📚 Revision: sets and mappings#

| words

References and additional materials

[Simon and Blume, 1994]

  • Appendix A1.1, 1.2

  • Chapters 2.1, 2.2, 3.1-3.4, 5.1


[Sundaram, 1996]

Appendix A.1, B.1, B.2

  • Veritasium video on paradoxes of set theory and mathematical incompleteness YouTube

Notation cheat sheet



\(P \implies Q\)

\(P\) implies \(Q\)

\(P \iff Q\)

\(P \implies Q\) and \(Q \implies P\)

\(\exists\), \(\exists !\)

there exists, there exists one and only one [element, value]


for all [elements in a set]


therefore [in logical statements]


because [in logical statements]

\(a \stackrel{def.}{=}\text{[expr]}\) or
\(a := \text{[expr]}\)

\(a\) is defined to be equal to \(\text{[expr]}\)


is element of [a set]


is subset of [a set]


union [of sets]


intersection [of sets]

Naive set theory#


A set (\(X\)) is a collection of objects.
A particular object within a set (\(x\)) is known as an element of that set.

  • Sets: \(A, B, X\)

  • Elements: \(x,y,z\)

  • \(x \in X\) denotes the idea that x is an element of X

  • \(y \notin X\) denotes the idea that y is not an element of X

  • empty set is denoted by \(\varnothing\)

Definition of a set

A set \(A\) can be defined by either

  • direct enumeration of its elements

  • defining a formula for infinite number of elements

  • as a subset of already defined set \(B\), formula \(\psi(x)\) to form elements of \(A\), and a condition/property on \(x\)

\[A = \{ \psi(x), x \in B \,\colon\, \text{condition on x}\}\]

Russell’s Paradox

Let \(\mathbb{A}\) be the property “is a set and does not belong to itself”. Suppose that \(A\) is the set of all sets that possess property \(\mathbb{A}\). Is \(A \in A\)?

– Bertrand Russell, 1901

If \(A \in A\), then it must be the case that \(A\) possesses property \(\mathbb{A}\). This means that \(A \notin A\). Contradiction! Thus it must be the case that \(A \notin A\). But if \(A\) is a set and \(A \notin A\), then it clearly possesses property \(\mathbb{A}\). Thus \(A \in A\). Contradiction. Thus it must be the case that \(A \in A\).

We have a paradox. It cannot be the case that both \(A \in A\) and \(A \notin A\).

One possible resolution to Russell’s paradox is to not allow mathematical objects like this particular \(A\) to be considered a set. Re-definition of the set theory by Ernst Zermelo, Abraham Fraenkel and Thoralf Skolem in 1908-1920, known today as ZFC axiomatic set theory.


Consider two sets, \(X\) and \(Y\). Suppose that every element of \(X\) also belongs to \(Y\). If this is the case, then we say that \(X\) is a subset of \(Y\).

This is written in mathematical notation as \(X \subseteq Y\).


Suppose that in addition to every element of \(X\) also belonging to \(Y\), there is at least one element of Y that does not belong to \(X\). If this is the case, then we say that \(X\) is a proper subset of \(Y\).


The power set \(2^X\) of a set \(X\) is the set of all subsets of \(X\).

Note that the elements of a power set are sets themselves.


Suppose that \(X = \{1, 2, 3\}\). The power set for the set \(X\) in this example is

\[2^X = \big\{\varnothing, \{1\} , \{2\} , \{3\} , \{1, 2\} , \{1, 3\} , \{2, 3\} , \{1, 2, 3\}\big\}\]


The Cartesian product of two sets is defined to be the set of all ordered pairs (or doublets) that contain one component from each of the two sets in the order that the sets were specified. This can be formally expressed as

\[X \times Y = \{(x, y) : x \in X , \: y \in Y \}\]


The Cartesian product of \(n\) sets is defined to be the set of all ordered \(n\)-tuples that contain one component from each of the \(n\) sets in the order that the sets were specified. This can be formally expressed as

\[\times_{i \in \{1,2,··· ,n\}} X_i = \{(x_1, x_2, · · · , x_n) : x_i \in X_i \; \forall i \in \{1, 2, · · · , n\}\}\]

Note that the order of the sets matters here. Cartesian products generate sets of “ordered” n-tuples.

Operations on sets#


The union of \(X\) and \(Y\), which is denoted by \(X \cup Y\), is the set

\[ X \cup Y = \{a \in U : a \in X \text{ or } a \in Y\} \]


The intersection of \(X\) and \(Y\), which is denoted by \(X \cap Y\), is the set

\[ X \cap Y = \{a \in U : a \in X \text{ and } a \in Y\} \]


If \(X \cap Y = \varnothing\), then the sets \(X\) and \(Y\) are said to be disjoint.



The set difference “X excluding Y”, which is denoted by \(X \setminus Y\), is the set

\[X \setminus Y = \{a \in X : a \notin Y \}\]


Set complementation is a special case of set exclusion. The complement of the set \(X\), which is denoted by \(X^C\) , is defined as \(X^C = U \setminus X\).


There are several alternative notations for the complement of a set, including \(X^C\), \(X'\), \(\bar{X}\), and \(\neg X\).


Note that \(X \cup X^C = U\) and \(X \cap X^C = \varnothing\).


The symmetric difference of \(X\) and \(Y\), which is denoted by \(X \bigtriangleup Y\), is the set

\[X \bigtriangleup Y = (X \setminus Y) \cup (Y \setminus X)\]


Exclusive or is another name for the symmetric difference operation.


Sets of numbers#

  • The set of natural numbers \(\mathbb{N} = \{1, 2, 3, · · · \}\)

  • The set of integer \(\mathbb{Z} = \{· · · , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, · · · \}\)

  • The set of rational number \(\mathbb{Q} = \{ \frac{m}{n} : m \in \mathbb{Z}, n \in \mathbb{N}\}\)

  • The set of real numbers \(\mathbb{R} = (-\infty, \infty)\)

  • The set of non-negative real numbers \(\mathbb{R}_+ = \{x \in \mathbb{R} : x \geqslant 0\} = [0, \infty)\)

  • The set of positive real numbers \(\mathbb{R}_{++} = \{x \in \mathbb{R}: x > 0\} = (0, \infty)\)

  • The set of complex numbers \(\mathbb{C} = \{ a + bi : a \in \mathbb{R}, \: b \in \mathbb{R}, \: i = \sqrt{−1} \}\)


\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ccc} 1 \in \mathbb{N} & 0 \in \mathbb{Z}_+ & -1 \in \mathbb{Z} \\ \frac{1}{2} \in \mathbb{Q} & \sqrt{2} \in \mathbb{R} & \sqrt{2} \in \mathbb{R}_{++} \end{array}\end{split}\]

The following “nesting” relationship exists between these common sets of numbers:

\[\mathbb{N} \subset \mathbb{Z}_+ \subset \mathbb{Z} \subset \mathbb{Q} \subset \mathbb{R} \subset \mathbb{C}\]

Let \(a \in \mathbb{R}, b \in \mathbb{R} \text{ and } a < b\). There are four types of intervals of an interval:

  • \([a, b] = \{x \in \mathbb{R} : a \leqslant x \leqslant b\}\)

  • \((a, b) = \{x \in \mathbb{R} : a < x < b\}\)

  • \([a, b) = \{x \in \mathbb{R} : a \leqslant x < b\}\)

  • \((a, b] = \{x \in \mathbb{R} : a < x \leqslant b\}\)

Multidimensional number sets (with vectors as elements) are given by Cartesian products

\[\mathbb{R}^2 = \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} = \{(x, y) : x \in \mathbb{R}, \; y \in \mathbb{R}\}\]

The \(n\)-dimensional Euclidean coordinate plane:

\[\mathbb{R}^n = \times_{i \in \{1,2,··· ,n\}} \mathbb{R} = \{(x_1, x_2, · · · , x_n) : x_i \in \mathbb{R} \; \forall i \in \{1, 2, · · · , n\}\}\]

The real number system#

There are several approaches for defining rigorously what numbers are:

  • axiomatic approach (real numbers are something that )

  • model-theoretic approach (Dedekind cuts, etc)

Axiomatic definition#


A field is a set of numbers that is closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (except by zero element).

  • “closed” means that any two elements in the field can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided (except by zero) to produce another element in the field

  • field is one of many abstract algebraic structures (such as groups, rings, lattices, algebras, etc) which are axiomatically defined by imposing specific properties on the set and its operations between its elements


An ordered field is a field that is also equipped with a total order relation that is compatible with the field operations.

  • every pair of elements in the total order can be compared


The set of rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\) is an ordered field.


A complete field is a field in which every non-empty subset that is bounded above has a least upper bound (which belongs to the field).

  • this property is known as the completeness axiom and can be stated in several different equivalent ways:

    • through infinite series of nested intervals (Cantor’s intersection theorem)

    • through limits of monotone sequences (details later in the course)

    • through convergence of Cauchy sequences (details later in the course)

  • it does not hold for the set of rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\): for example, the set of rational numbers each element of which squared is is less than \(2\) has no least upper bound in \(\mathbb{Q}\)


Real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\) are defined as a complete ordered field.

  • completeness ensures that the real number line has no gaps in it

  • unlike the rational numbers!


\(\sqrt{2}\) is not a rational number.

  • however, \(\sqrt{2}\) is a very “real” number which we encounter in many practical situations: diagonal of a square with side length 1 meter

What’s next?#

  • rigorous definitions of number representation

    • decimal representation

    • continued fractions

  • rigorous definitions of algebraic operations

    • addition

    • subtraction

    • multiplication

    • division

  • rigorous definitions of order relations

    • less than

    • greater than

    • less than or equal to

    • greater than or equal to

  • rigorous definitions of convergence and limits

  • etc.

This is re-definition of all our “common sense” knowledge about numbers in a rigorous mathematical language \(\implies\) we can use standard arithmetic operations at a deeper level of mathematical rigour.

Dedekind cuts#

  • theoretical model of real numbers

  • allows for rigorous definition of real numbers in a constructive way without relying on the axioms

  • associates a real number to a set (rather, two sets forming a partition of another set)


A Dedekind cut is a partition of the rational numbers into two non-empty sets \(A\) and \(A'\) such that

  1. every rational number is in either \(A\) or \(A'\), but not in both

\[ A \cup A' = \mathbb{Q} \text{ and } A \cap A' = \varnothing \]
  1. every element of \(A\) is less than every element of \(A'\)

\[ \forall a \in A, \: \forall a' \in A' \implies a < a' \]

The set \(A\) is referred to as lower half, the set \(A'\) as upper half.

Examples of Dedekind cuts

  1. \(A \subset \mathbb{Q}: \forall a \in A \:\: a < 1\), \(A' \subset \mathbb{Q}: \forall a' \in A' \:\: a' \ge 1\)

  2. \(A \subset \mathbb{Q}: \forall a \in A \:\: a \le 1\), \(A' \subset \mathbb{Q}: \forall a' \in A' \:\: a' > 1\)

  3. \(A \subset \mathbb{Q}: \forall a \in A \:\: a^2 < 2\), \(A' \subset \mathbb{Q}: \forall a' \in A' \:\: a'^2 > 2\)


The above three examples cover all possible cases for Dedekind cuts:

  1. Upper half has the least element

  2. Lower half has the greatest element

  3. Neither half has the least or the greatest element


Dedekind cut of the third type (those which do not have the least element in the upper half and the greatest element in the lower half) defines an irrational number.

  • irrational numbers are objects of new type, they are not rational numbers by construction

  • fill in the “holes” between rational numbers

  • rational numbers \(\mathbb{Q}\) and irrational numbers defined by Dedekind cuts form the set of real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\)


For any real numbers \(a,b \in \mathbb{R}\) where \(a>b\) there is a real number \(c \in \mathbb{R}\) such that \(b<c<a\).

  • it follows from the proof that the number \(c\) is in fact rational

  • it also follows by repeated application of the proposition that an infinite number of rational numbers can be fitted between any two given rational numbers, however close they are in the number line

  • overall, the number line of real numbers has no gaps!

What’s next?#

Same steps as in axiomatic approach to define the common sense operations, but using Dedekind cuts as the definition of real numbers.

  • rigorous definitions of number representation using Dedekind cuts

    • decimal representation

    • continued fractions

  • rigorous definitions of algebraic operations using Dedekind cuts

    • addition

    • subtraction

    • multiplication

    • division

  • rigorous definitions of order relations from set theory

    • less than

    • greater than

    • less than or equal to

    • greater than or equal to

  • rigorous definitions of convergence and limits

  • etc.

This is re-definition of all our “common sense” knowledge about numbers in a rigorous mathematical language \(\implies\) we can use standard arithmetic operations at a deeper level of mathematical rigour.


\[\begin{array}{ccc} 32^{\frac{3}{5}} & \frac{8}{27}^{\frac{2}{3}} & -9^{\frac{3}{2}} \end{array}\]


Division by zero in not defined for any real number \(p\).


When exponent is fractional and base is negative, the result is undefined for non-integer exponents.
See discussion here

Functions and other mappings#


A generic mapping \(f\) from \(A\) to \(B\) is a rule that assigns elements \(x\) of a set \(A\) to elements of a set \(B\). We write

\[f: A \to B \qquad\text{ or }\qquad f: A \ni x \mapsto f(x) \in B\]


A function \(f: A \rightarrow B\) from set \(A\) to set \(B\) is a mapping that associates to each element of \(A\) a uniquely determined element of \(B\).



\(A\) is called the domain of \(f\) and \(B\) is called the co-domain


Consider the sets \(A=\{a,b,c,d\}\) and \(B=\{1,2,3,4\}\). The following diagrams illustrate possible associations between elements of \(A\) and \(B\), i.e. domain \(A\) and co-domain \(B\):


These associations can be written as subsets of the Cartesian product \(A \times B\) as follows:

  • (i) \(\{(a,2),(b,1),(c,4),(d,4)\} \subset A \times B\)

  • (ii) \(\{(a,1),(a,2),(b,3),(c,4)\} \subset A \times B\)

Panel (i) illustrates a function from \(A\) to \(B\) because each element of \(A\) is associated with no more than one element of \(B\).

Panel (ii) does not illustrate a function from \(A\) to \(B\) because the element \(a\) is associated with two elements of \(B\), and element \(d\) is not associated with any element of \(B\).


  • functions have to map all elements in domain to a uniquely determined element in co-domain


Functions can be:

  • scalar-valued when \(n=1\), so \(f: A \to \mathbb{R}\)

  • vector-valued when \(n>1\), so \(f: A \to \mathbb{R}^n\)

  • univariate when \(A = \mathbb{R}\), so \(f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^n\)

  • multivariate when \(A = \mathbb{R}^m\), so \(f: \mathbb{R}^m \to \mathbb{R}^n\)

Example: not a function



For each \(a \in A\), \(f(a) \in B\) is called the image of \(a\) under \(f\)


If \(f(a) = b\) then \(a\) is called a pre-image of \(b\) under \(f\)


The definitions of image and pre-image naturally generalize to subsets of the domain.

  • For each \(X \subset A\), \(f(X) = \{f(x): x \in X\} \in B\) is called the image of \(X\) under \(f\)

  • For each \(Y \subset B\), \(\{x: f(x) \in Y\} \in A\) is called the pre-image of \(Y\) under \(f\)



The smallest possible co-domain is called the range of \(f: A \to B\):

\[ \mathrm{rng}(f) := \{ b \in B : f(a) = b \text{ for some } a \in A \} \]


The composition of \(f: A \to B\) and \(g: B \to C\) is the function \(g \circ f\) from \(A\) to \(C\) defined by

\[ (g \circ f)(a) = g(f(a)) \quad (a \in A) \]

Surjection, injection and bijection#


A function \(f: A \to B\) is called onto (or surjection) if every element of \(B\) is the image under \(f\) of at least one point in \(A\).

Equivalently, \(\mathrm{rng}(f) = B\)



\(f: A \to B\) is onto if and only if each element of \(B\) has at least one pre-image under \(f\)


Fig. 1 Onto (surjection)#


Fig. 2 Not onto!#


Fig. 3 Not onto!#


A function \(f: A \to B\) is called one-to-one (or injection) if distinct elements of \(A\) are always mapped into distinct elements of \(B\).

That is, \(f\) is one-to-one if

\[ a \in A, \; a' \in A \text{ and } a \ne a' \implies f(a) \ne f(a') \]


\[ f(a) = f(a') \implies a = a' \]


\(f: A \to B\) is one-to-one if and only if each element of \(B\) has at most one pre-image under \(f\)


Fig. 4 One-to-one#


Fig. 5 One-to-one#


Fig. 6 Not one-to-one#


A function that is

  1. one-to-one (injection) and

  2. onto (surjection)

is called a bijection or one-to-one correspondence



\(f: A \to B\) is a bijection if and only if each \(b \in B\) has one and only one pre-image in \(A\)


If \(f: A \to B\) a bijection, then there exists a unique function \(\phi: B \to A\) such that

\[ \phi(f(a)) = a, \quad \forall \; a \in A \]

That function \(\phi\) is called the inverse of \(f\) and written \(f^{-1}\)



If \(f: A \to B\) is one-to-one, then \(f: A \to \mathrm{rng}(f)\) is a bijection


Let \(f: A \to B\) and \(g: B \to C\) be bijections

  1. \(f^{-1}\) is a bijection and its inverse is \(f\)

  • \(f^{-1}(f(a)) = a\) for all \(a \in A\)

  • \(f(f^{-1}(b)) = b\) for all \(b \in B\)

  • \(g \circ f\) is a bijection from \(A\) to \(C\) and \((g \circ f)^{-1} = f^{-1} \circ g^{-1}\)


Fig. 7 Illustration of \((g \circ f)^{-1} = f^{-1} \circ g^{-1}\)#



A function \(f : X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), where \(X \subseteq \mathbb{R}\), is said to be a non-decreasing function if

\[x \leqslant y \iff f(x) \leqslant f(y)\]


A function \(f : X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\), where \(X \subseteq \mathbb{R}\), is said to be a strictly increasing function if both

  • (a) \(x = y \iff f(x) = f(y)\); and

  • (b) \(x < y \iff f(x) < f(y)\).


Non-increasing and strictly decreasing functions are defined in a similar manner, with the inequality signs flipped.


Monotonic transformation of a given function is its composition with a a strictly increasing or strictly decreasing function.



A graph of a mapping \(f \colon X \to Y\) is a set \(\Gamma \subset X \times Y\) of points \(x \in X\) and \(y \in Y\) where it holds \(y \in f(x)\), or \(y = f(x)\) in hte case \(f\) is a function.



Fig. 8 Graphs of various functions#


Fig. 9 Graphs of various correspondences#


Consider \(\Gamma_0\) the graph of function \(f(x): \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}\). Denote \(\Gamma_1\) the graph of the composite function \(g(x) = af(bx+c)+d\), such that when \(a=b=1\) and \(c=d=0\) \(f(x)=g(x)\). It holds that:

  • for \(a \ne 1\), \(a>0\) graph \(\Gamma_1\) is a vertical stretch or compression of \(\Gamma_0\) by a factor of \(|a|\)

  • for \(a<0\) in addition graph \(\Gamma_1\) flips around the horizontal axis

  • for \(b \ne 1\), \(b>0\) graph \(\Gamma_1\) is a horizontal stretch or compression of \(\Gamma_0\) by a factor of \(|b|\)

  • for \(b<0\) in addition graph \(\Gamma_1\) flips around the vertical axis

  • for \(c \ne 0\) graph \(\Gamma_1\) is a horizontal shift of \(\Gamma_0\) by \(\frac{c}{b}\), left for \(\frac{c}{b}>0\) and right for \(\frac{c}{b}<0\)

  • for \(d \ne 0\) graph \(\Gamma_1\) is a vertical shift of \(\Gamma_0\) by \(d\), up for \(d>0\) and down for \(d<0\)


When the inverse exists, its graph is a flip of the original graph over the 45 degree line.


Fig. 10 Graph of inverse functions#



If a bijection exists between sets \(A\) and \(B\) they are said to have the same cardinality, and we write \(|A| = |B|\)


If \(|A| = |B|\) and \(A\) and \(B\) are finite then \(A\) and \(B\) have the same number of elements (same cardinality).

Hence “same cardinality” is analogous to “same size”


The number of elements of finite set \(X\) is called the cardinality of \(X\), and is denoted by any of the following notation:

  • \(\lvert X \rvert\)

  • \(\# X\)

  • \(nX\)

  • \(n(X)\)

General rule

\[|A \cup B| = |A| + |B| - |A \cap B|\]


What is the number of elements of \(A \cup B\), \(|A \cup B|\)?

\[| \{1,2,3,4 \} \cup \{5,6,7,8\} | = 8\]


\[| \{1,2,3,4 \} \cup \{3,4,5,6\} | = 6\]
  • It depends on whether \(A\) and \(B\) are disjoint or not!


If \(A_n\) are finite for \(n=1, \ldots,N\), then

\[\#(A_1 \times \cdots \times A_N) = (\# A_1) \times \cdots \times (\# A_N)\]

That is, number of possible tuples \(=\) product of the number of possibilities for each element


Number of binary sequences of length \(10\) is

\[\# [\{0, 1\} \times \cdots \times \{0, 1\}] = 2 \times \cdots \times 2 = 2^{10}\]

But cardinality applies to infinite sets as well!


If \(|A| = |B|\) and \(|B| = |C|\) then \(|A| = |C|\)


A nonempty set \(A\) is called finite if

\[ |A| = |\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}| \quad \text{ for some } \quad n \in \mathbb{N} \]

Otherwise called infinite


Sets that either are finite, or have the same cardinality as \(\mathbb{N}\), denoted \(|A| = \aleph_0\), are called countable


A set \(X\) countable if and only if there exists a bijection \(f: X \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\).


\(-\mathbb{N} := \{\ldots, -4, -3, -2, -1\}\) is countable

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{ccc} -1 & \leftrightarrow & 1 \\ -2 & \leftrightarrow & 2 \\ -3 & \leftrightarrow & 3 \\ & \vdots & \\ -n & \leftrightarrow & n \\ & \vdots & \end{array}\end{split}\]

Formally: \(f(k) = -k\) is a bijection from \(-\mathbb{N}\) to \(\mathbb{N}\)


\(E := \{2,4,6, \ldots\}\) is countable

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{ccc} 2 & \leftrightarrow & 1 \\ 4 & \leftrightarrow & 2 \\ 6 & \leftrightarrow & 3 \\ & \vdots & \\ 2n & \leftrightarrow & n \\ & \vdots & \end{array} \end{split}\]

Formally: \(f(k) = k/2\) is a bijection from \(E\) to \(\mathbb{N}\)


Nonempty subsets of countable sets are countable


Finite unions of countable sets are countable


\(\mathbb{Z} = \{\ldots, -2, -1\} \cup \{ 0 \} \cup \{1, 2, \ldots\}\) is countable


Finite Cartesian products of countable sets is countable


\(\mathbb{Z} \times \mathbb{Z} = \{ (p,q) : p \in \mathbb{Z}, q \in \mathbb{Z} \}\) is countable



\(\mathbb{Q}\) is countable


An example of an uncountable set is all binary sequences

\[ \{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}} := \big\{ (b_1,b_2,\ldots) : \, b_n \in \{0,1\ \} \text{ for each } n \big\} \]

Cardinality of \(\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}}\) called the power of the continuum

Other sets with the power of the continuum

  • \(\mathbb{R}\)

  • \((a, b)\) for any \(a < b\)

  • \([a, b]\) for any \(a < b\)

  • \(\mathbb{R}^N\) for any finite \(N \in \mathbb{N}\)

Continuum hypothesis

Every nonempty subset of \(\mathbb{R}\) is either countable or has the power of the continuum


\(\mathbb{R}\) and \((-1, 1)\) have the same cardinality because \(x \mapsto 2\arctan(x)/\pi\) is a bijection from \(\mathbb{R}\) to \((-1, 1)\)


Fig. 11 Same cardinality#