
Main two books#


[Simon and Blume, 1994] Mathematics for Economists (1994) by Simon, C. and L. Blume


[Sundaram, 1996] A First Course in Optimization Theory (1996) by Rangarajan Sundaram


As mentioned in the Class summary, for all books, the edition you consult does not matter much. The only operational differences will possibly be the organisation of material within the book, and differences in the relevant chapter titles or chapter numbers, or both.

The references in the class summary and within each lecture will be to the relevant chapters for the edition of each book cited in this bibliography. The images below, where possible, are for the same editions, but referring to later editions is perfectly fine.

Additional books#

[Asano, 2013]

Asano, A (2013), An introduction to mathematics for economics

[Bradley, 2013]

Bradley, T (2013), Essential mathematics for economics and business (fourth edition)

[Chiang and Wainwright, 2005]

Chiang, AC, and K Wainwright (2005), Fundamental methods of mathematical economics (fourth edition)

[Haeussler Jr and Paul, 1987]

Haeussler, EF Jr, and RS Paul (1987), Introductory mathematical analysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences (fifth edition)

[Shannon, 1995]

Shannon, J (1995), Mathematics for business, economics and finance

[Sydsæter, Hammond, Strøm, and Carvajal, 2016]

Sydsæter, Hammond, Strøm and Carvajal (2016), Essential mathematics for economic analysis (fifth edition)

[Sydsæter, Hammond, Strøm, and Carvajal, 2016]

Sydsæter, K, P Hammond, A Seierstad, and A Strøm (2005), Further mathematics for economic analysis

[Spivak, 2006]

M Spivak. Calculus (third edition). Cambridge University Press, 2006.

Full reference list#


A Asano. Mathematics for economics. Cambridge University Press, 2013.


LM Ausubel and RJ Deneckere. A generalized theorem of the maximum. Economic Theory, 3(1):99–107, 1993.


F Ayres Jr and E Mendelson. Calculus (sixth edition). McGraw-Hill, 2013.


T Bradley. Essential mathematics for economics and business (fourth edition). John Wiley and Sons, 2013.


AC Chiang and K Wainwright. Fundamental methods of mathematical economics (fourth edition). McGraw-Hill, 2005.


EF Haeussler Jr and RS Paul. Introductory mathematical analysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences (fifth edition). Prentice-Hall, 1987.


E Malinvaud. Lectures on microeconomic theory. North Holland Publishing Company, 1972. Advanced Textbooks in Economics Volume 2; Translated by Mrs. A. Silvey.


J Shannon. Mathematics for business, economics and finance. John Wiley and Sons, 1995.


C Simon and L Blume. Mathematics for economists. WW Norton and Co, 1994.


M Spivak. Calculus (third edition). Cambridge University Press, 2006.


RK Sundaram. A first course in optimization theory. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

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K Sydsæter, P Hammond, A Strøm, and A Carvajal. Essential mathematics for economic analysis (fifth edition). Pearson Education, 2016.