Material in this section is optional and will not be part of the course assessment.

☕️ Dynamic optimization#

| words

  1. Dynamic decision problems

  2. Dynamic programming for finite horizon problems

  3. Dynamic programming for infinite horizon problems

Dynamic decision problems#

As before, let’s start with our definition of a general optimization problem


The general form of the optimization problem is

\[\begin{split} V(\theta) = \max_{x} f(x,\theta) \\ \text {subject to } x \in \mathcal{D}(\theta) \end{split}\]


  • \(f(x,\theta) \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}\) is an objective function

  • \(x \in \mathbb{R}^N\) are decision/choice variables

  • \(\theta \in \mathbb{R}^K\) are parameters

  • \(\mathcal{D}(\theta)\) denotes the admissible set

\[ \mathcal{D}(\theta) = \left\{ x \in \mathbb{R}^N \colon g_i(x,\theta) = 0, \; i\in\{1,\dots,I\}, \; h_j(x,\theta) \le 0, \; j\in\{1,\dots,J\} \right\} \]
  • \(g_i(x,\theta) = 0, \; i\in\{1,\dots,I\}\) where \(g_i \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}\), are equality constraints

  • \(h_j(x,\theta) \le 0, \; j\in\{1,\dots,J\}\) where \(h_j \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}\), are inequality constraints

  • \(V(\theta) \colon \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}\) is a value function

Crazy thought

Can we let the objective function include the value function as a component?

  • Think of an optimization problem that repeats over and over again, for example in time

  • Value function (as the maximum attainable value) of the next optimization problem may be part of the current optimization problems

  • The parameters \(\theta\) may be adjusted to link these optimization problems together


Imagine the optimization problem with \(g(x,\theta)= \sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\beta^{t}u(x,\theta)\) where \(b \in (0,1)\) to ensure the infinite sum converges. We can write

\[\begin{split} \begin{array}{lll} V(\theta) & = & \max_x \sum_{t=0}^{\infty}\beta^{t} u(x_t,\theta) \\ & = & \max_x \Big[u(x_0)+\beta\max_x \sum_{t=1}^{\infty}\beta^{t-1}u(x_t,\theta)\Big] \\ & = & \max_x \Big[u(c_{0})+\beta V(\theta)\Big] \end{array} \end{split}\]
  • Note that the trick in the example above works because \(g(x,\theta)\) is an infinite sum

  • Among other things this implies that \(x\) is infinite dimension!

  • Let the parameter \(\theta\) to keep track time, so let \(\theta = (t, s_t)\)

  • Then it is possible to use the same principle for the optimization problems without infinite sums

Introduce new notation for the value function

\[ \theta=(t, s_t) \rightarrow V(\theta) = V(t, s_t) = V_t(s_t) \]

Definition: dynamic optimization problems

The general form of the deterministic dynamic optimization problem is

\[\begin{split} V_t(s_t) = \max_{x} \big[ f(x,s_t) + \beta V_{t+1}(s_{t+1}) \big] \\ \text {subject to } x \in \mathcal{D}_t(s_t) \end{split}\]


  • \(f(x,s_t) \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}\) is an instantaneous reward function

  • \(x \in \mathbb{R}^N\) are decision/choice variables

  • \(s_t \in \mathbb{R}^K\) are state variables

  • state transitions are given by \(s_{t+1} = g(x,s_t)\) where \(g \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}^K\)

  • \(\mathcal{D}_t(s_t) \subset \mathbb{R}^N\) denotes the admissible set at decision instance (time period) \(t\)

  • \(\beta \in (0,1)\) is a discount factor

  • \(V_t(s_t) \colon \mathbb{R}^K \to \mathbb{R}\) is a value function

Denote the set of maximizers of each instantaneous optimization problem as

\[ x^\star_t(s_t) = \mathrm{argmax}_{x \in \mathcal{D}_t(s_t)} \big[ f(x,s_t) + \beta V_{t+1}(s_{t+1}) \big] \]
  • \(x^\star_t(s_t)\) is called a policy correspondence or policy function

  • State space \(s_t\) is of primary importance for the economic interpretation of the problem: it encompasses all the information that the decision maker conditions their decisions on

  • Has to be carefully founded in economic theory and common sense

  • Similarly the transition function \(g(x,s_t)\) reflects the exact beliefs of the decision maker about how the future state is determined and has direct implications for the optimal decisions


In the formulation above, as seen from transition function \(g(x,s_t)\), we implicitly assume that the history of states from some initial time period \(t_0\) is not taken into account. Decision problems where only the current state is relevant for the future are called Markovian decision problems

Dynamic programming and Bellman principle of optimality#

An optimal policy has a property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first decision.
📖 Bellman, 1957 “Dynamic Programming”

Main idea

Breaking the problem into sequence of small problems

Dynamic programming is recursive method for solving sequential decision problems
📖 Rust 2006, New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics

  • In computer science the meaning of the term is broader: DP is a general algorithm design technique for solving problems with overlapping sub-problems

  • Thus, the sequential decision problem is broken into current decision and the future decisions problems, and solved recursively

  • The solution can be computed through backward induction which is the process of solving a sequential decision problem from the later periods to the earlier ones, this is the main algorithm used in dynamic programming (DP)

  • Embodiment of the recursive way of modeling sequential decisions is Bellman equation


Bellman equation is a functional equation in an unknown function \(V(\cdot)\) which embodies a dynamic optimization problem and has the form

\[ V(\text{state}) = \max_{\text{feasible decisions}} \big[ U(\text{state},\text{decision}) + \beta \mathbb{E}\big\{ V(\text{next state}) \big| \text{state},\text{decision} \big\} \big] \]
  • expectation \(\mathbb{E}\{\cdot\}\) is taken over the distribution of the next period state conditional on current state and decision when the state transitions are given by a stochastic process

  • the optimal choices (policy correspondence) are revealed along the solution of the Bellman equation as decisions which solve the maximization problem in the right hand side, i.e.

\[ \text{decision}^\star(\text{state}) = \underset{\text{feasible decisions}}{\mathrm{argmax}}\big[ U(\text{state},\text{decision}) + \beta \mathbb{E}\big\{ V(\text{next state}) \big| \text{state},\text{decision} \big\} \big] \]
  • DP is a the main tool in analyzing modern micro and macto economic models

  • DP provides a framework to study decision making over time and under uncertainty and can accommodate:

    • learning and human capital formation

    • wealth accumulation

    • health dynamics

    • strategic interactions between agents (game theory)

    • market interactions (equilibrium theory)

    • etc

  • Many important problems and economic models are analyzed and solved using dynamic programming:

    • Dynamic models of labor supply

    • Job search

    • Human capital accumulation

    • Health process, insurance and long term care

    • Consumption/savings choices

    • Durable consumption

    • Growth models

    • Heterogeneous agents models

    • Overlapping generation models

Origin of the term Dynamic Programming

The 1950’s were not good years for mathematical research. We had a very interesting gentleman in Washington named Wilson. He was Secretary of Defence, and he actually had a pathological fear and hatred of the word “research”.
I’m not using the term lightly; I’m using it precisely. His face would suffuse, he would turn red, and he would get violent if people used the term, research, in his presence. You can imagine how he felt, then, about the term, mathematical.
Hence, I felt I had to do something to shield Wilson and the Air Force from the fact that I was really doing mathematics inside the RAND Corporation.
What title, what name, could I choose?
In the first place, I was interested in planning, in decision-making, in thinking. But planning, is not a good word for various reasons. I decided therefore to use the word, “programming”.
I wanted to get across the idea that this was dynamic, this was multistage, this was time-varying.
I thought, let’s kill two birds with one stone. Let’s take a word which has an absolutely precise meaning, namely dynamic, in the classical physical sense.
It also has a very interesting property as an adjective, and that is it’s impossible to use the word, dynamic, in the pejorative sense.
Thus, I thought dynamic programming was a good name. It was something not even a Congressman could object to. So I used it as an umbrella for my activities.
📖 Bellman’s autobiography “The Eye of the Hurricane”

Finite and infinite horizon problems#

Although dynamic programming primarily deals with infinite horizon problems, it can also be applied to the finite horizon problems where \(T < \infty\)

  • Terms backwards induction and dynamic programming are associated by many authors respectively with finite and infinite horizon problems

  • Our definition of a dynamic optimization problem contains elements of both finite and infinite horizon problem setup, and needs more detail

Finite horizon problems

  • Time is discrete and finite, \(t \in \{0,1,\dots,T\}\) where \(T < \infty\)

  • Parameter vector \(\theta\) indeed contains \(t\) such that the value and policy functions along with other elements of the model do depend on \(t\), i.e. may differ between time periods

  • “Bellman equation” is a (common!) misuse of the term, because with time subscripts for the value function, it is not a functional equation any more

  • However, the term “Bellman equation” is still used for the finite horizon problems to denote the following expression:

\[\begin{split} V_t(s_t) = \begin{cases} \max_{x \in \mathcal{D}_t(s_t)} \big[ f(x,s_t) + \beta V_{t+1}(s_{t+1}) \big] ,& \text{ if } t<T \\ \max_{x \in \mathcal{D}_T(s_T)} f(x,s_T) ,& \text{ if } t=T \end{cases} \end{split}\]
  • Period \(t=T\) is referred to as the terminal period, and the value function at this period is called the terminal value function

  • Because there is no next period in the terminal period, \(V_{T+1}(s_{T+1}) = 0\) for all \(s_T\), giving the expression for the Bellman equation above

Infinite horizon problems

  • Time is discrete and infinite, \(t \in \{0,1,\dots,\infty\}\), sometimes denoted as \(T = \infty\)

  • Parameter vector \(\theta\) does not contain \(t\) and so the value and policy functions can not depend on \(t\), and so other elements of the model

  • In other words, the solution of the model in this case has to be time invariant

  • Bellman equation is a proper functional equation, which together with the policy function, describes the optimal decision rule in the long term. In some sense, the solution to the infinite dimensional problem is one pair \((V(s), x^\star(s))\), whereas in the general setup both elements of the solution are tuples

\[ V(s) = \max_{x \in \mathcal{D}(s)} \big[ f(x,s) + \beta V(s') \big] \]

Infinite horizon and stochastic dynamic optimization problems#

  • \(T = \infty\)

  • subscripts \(t\) can be dropped

  • solution of the model \(V(s), x^\star(s)\) is time invariant

  • Bellman equation is a proper functional equation where the value function \(V(s)\) is an unknown

In infinite horizon the dynamic optimization problem

\[\begin{split} V(s) = \max_{x} \big[ f(x,s) + \beta V(s') \big] \\ \text {subject to } x \in \mathcal{D}(s) \end{split}\]

where \(s'\) is the next period state, becomes a fixed point problem of a Bellman operator, i.e. the problem of solving a functional equation.


Let \(B(S)\) denote a set of all bounded real-valued functions on a set \(S \subset \mathbb{R}^K\).

Bellman operator is a mapping from \(B(S)\) to itself defined as

\[ T \colon B(S) \ni V \mapsto \max_{x \in \mathcal{D}(s)} \big[ f(x,s) + \beta V\big(g(s,x)\big) \big] \in B(S) \]


  • \(f(x,s) \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times S \to \mathbb{R}\) is an instantaneous reward function

  • \(x \in \mathbb{R}^N\) are decision/choice variables

  • \(s \in S \subset \mathbb{R}^K\) are state variables

  • state transitions are given by \(s' = g(x,s)\) where \(g \colon \mathbb{R}^N \times S \to S\)

  • \(\mathcal{D}(s) \subset \mathbb{R}^N\) denotes the admissible set

  • \(\beta \in (0,1)\) is a discount factor

  • \(V(s) \colon S \to \mathbb{R}\) is a value function

Solution of the Bellman equation is given by a fixed point of the Bellman operator, i.e. such function \(V(\cdot)\) which is mapped to itself by the Bellman operator, and the corresponding policy function

\[ x^\star(s) = \mathrm{argmax}_{x \in \mathcal{D}(s)} \big[ f(x,s) + \beta V\big(g(x,s)\big) \big] \]

Theory of dynamic programming#

Definition: contraction mapping

Let \((S,\rho)\) be a complete metric space, i.e. a metric space where every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in \(S\).

Let \(T: S \rightarrow S\) denote an operator mapping \(S\) to itself. \(T\) is called a contraction on \(S\) with modulus \(\lambda\) if \(0 \le \lambda < 1\) and

\[ \rho(Tx,Ty) \le \lambda \rho(x,y) \; \forall x,y \in S \]

Contraction mapping brings points in its domain “closer” to each other!


What is the value of annuity \(V\) paying regular payments \(c\) forever?

\[ \stackrel{\nearrow}{V} \quad \stackrel{\searrow}{c} \quad \stackrel{\searrow}{c} \quad \stackrel{\searrow}{c} \quad \dots \]

Let \(r\) be the interest rate, then the value of annuity is given by

\[ V=\quad \frac{c}{(1+r)^0} + \quad \frac{c}{(1+r)^1} + \quad \frac{c}{(1+r)^2} + \quad \frac{c}{(1+r)^3} + \quad \dots \]

Equivalently with \(\beta = \frac{1}{1+r}\)

\[ V=\quad c + \quad c \beta + \quad c \beta^2 + \quad c \beta^3 + \quad \dots = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \beta^t c \]

Can reformulate recursively (as “Bellman equation” without choice)

\[ V = c + \beta ( c + \beta c + \beta^2 c + \dots ) = c + \beta V \]

with the corresponding “Bellman operator”

\[ T \colon V \mapsto c + \beta V \]

Is \(T(V)\) a contraction?

\[ |T(V_1) - T(V_2)| = |(c + \beta V_1) - (c + \beta V_2)| = \beta | V_1 - V_2 | \]

Yes as long as long as \(\beta < 1\)!

  • contraction mapping under Euclidean norm

  • modulus of the contraction is \(\beta\)

Contractions are invaluable because of uniqueness of their fixed point and a surefire algorithm to compute them

Banach contraction mapping theorem (fixed point theorem)

Let \((S,\rho)\) be a complete metric space with a contraction mapping \(T: S \rightarrow S\). Then

  1. \(T\) admits a unique fixed-point \(V^{\star} \in S \colon T(V^{\star}) = V^{\star}\)

  2. \(V^{\star}\) can be found by repeated application of the operator \(T\), i.e. \(T^n(V) \rightarrow V^{\star}\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty\)

In other words, the fixed point can be found by successive approximations from any starting point \(\rightarrow\) commonly known in economics as value function iterations (VFI) algorithm

Value function iterations (VFI) algorithm

  1. Start with a guess for value function \(V_0\), \(i=0\)

  2. Apply Bellman operator to \(V_i\) and increment \(i\)

\[ V_{i+1} = T(V_i) \]
  1. Repeat until convergence, i.e. \(\| V_{i+1}-V_i \|<\epsilon\) for some small $\e

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import numpy as np
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class annuity():

    def __init__(self,c=1,beta=.9):
        self.c = c           # Annual payment
        self.beta = beta     # Discount factor
        self.analytic = c/(1-beta)  # compute analytic solution right away
    def bellman(self,V):
        '''Bellman equation'''
        return self.c + self.beta*V

    def solve(self, maxiter = 1000, tol=1e-4, verbose=False):
        '''Solves the model using successive approximations'''
        if verbose: print('{:<4} {:>15} {:>15}'.format('Iter','Value','Error'))
        for i in range(maxiter):
            if verbose: print('{:<4d} {:>15.8f} {:>15.8f}'.format(i,V1,V1-self.analytic))
            if abs(V1-V0) < tol:
        else:  # when i went up to maxiter
            print('No convergence: maximum number of iterations achieved!')
        return V1
a = annuity(c=10,beta=0.92)
print('Numeric solution is ',a.solve())
Iter           Value           Error
0        10.00000000   -115.00000000
1        19.20000000   -105.80000000
2        27.66400000    -97.33600000
3        35.45088000    -89.54912000
4        42.61480960    -82.38519040
5        49.20562483    -75.79437517
6        55.26917485    -69.73082515
7        60.84764086    -64.15235914
8        65.97982959    -59.02017041
9        70.70144322    -54.29855678
10       75.04532776    -49.95467224
11       79.04170154    -45.95829846
12       82.71836542    -42.28163458
13       86.10089619    -38.89910381
14       89.21282449    -35.78717551
15       92.07579853    -32.92420147
16       94.70973465    -30.29026535
17       97.13295588    -27.86704412
18       99.36231941    -25.63768059
19      101.41333385    -23.58666615
20      103.30026715    -21.69973285
21      105.03624577    -19.96375423
22      106.63334611    -18.36665389
23      108.10267842    -16.89732158
24      109.45446415    -15.54553585
25      110.69810702    -14.30189298
26      111.84225846    -13.15774154
27      112.89487778    -12.10512222
28      113.86328756    -11.13671244
29      114.75422455    -10.24577545
30      115.57388659     -9.42611341
31      116.32797566     -8.67202434
32      117.02173761     -7.97826239
33      117.65999860     -7.34000140
34      118.24719871     -6.75280129
35      118.78742281     -6.21257719
36      119.28442899     -5.71557101
37      119.74167467     -5.25832533
38      120.16234070     -4.83765930
39      120.54935344     -4.45064656
40      120.90540517     -4.09459483
41      121.23297275     -3.76702725
42      121.53433493     -3.46566507
43      121.81158814     -3.18841186
44      122.06666109     -2.93333891
45      122.30132820     -2.69867180
46      122.51722194     -2.48277806
47      122.71584419     -2.28415581
48      122.89857665     -2.10142335
49      123.06669052     -1.93330948
50      123.22135528     -1.77864472
51      123.36364686     -1.63635314
52      123.49455511     -1.50544489
53      123.61499070     -1.38500930
54      123.72579144     -1.27420856
55      123.82772813     -1.17227187
56      123.92150988     -1.07849012
57      124.00778909     -0.99221091
58      124.08716596     -0.91283404
59      124.16019268     -0.83980732
60      124.22737727     -0.77262273
61      124.28918709     -0.71081291
62      124.34605212     -0.65394788
63      124.39836795     -0.60163205
64      124.44649851     -0.55350149
65      124.49077863     -0.50922137
66      124.53151634     -0.46848366
67      124.56899504     -0.43100496
68      124.60347543     -0.39652457
69      124.63519740     -0.36480260
70      124.66438161     -0.33561839
71      124.69123108     -0.30876892
72      124.71593259     -0.28406741
73      124.73865798     -0.26134202
74      124.75956535     -0.24043465
75      124.77880012     -0.22119988
76      124.79649611     -0.20350389
77      124.81277642     -0.18722358
78      124.82775431     -0.17224569
79      124.84153396     -0.15846604
80      124.85421124     -0.14578876
81      124.86587435     -0.13412565
82      124.87660440     -0.12339560
83      124.88647605     -0.11352395
84      124.89555796     -0.10444204
85      124.90391333     -0.09608667
86      124.91160026     -0.08839974
87      124.91867224     -0.08132776
88      124.92517846     -0.07482154
89      124.93116418     -0.06883582
90      124.93667105     -0.06332895
91      124.94173736     -0.05826264
92      124.94639837     -0.05360163
93      124.95068650     -0.04931350
94      124.95463158     -0.04536842
95      124.95826106     -0.04173894
96      124.96160017     -0.03839983
97      124.96467216     -0.03532784
98      124.96749839     -0.03250161
99      124.97009852     -0.02990148
100     124.97249063     -0.02750937
101     124.97469138     -0.02530862
102     124.97671607     -0.02328393
103     124.97857879     -0.02142121
104     124.98029248     -0.01970752
105     124.98186909     -0.01813091
106     124.98331956     -0.01668044
107     124.98465399     -0.01534601
108     124.98588167     -0.01411833
109     124.98701114     -0.01298886
110     124.98805025     -0.01194975
111     124.98900623     -0.01099377
112     124.98988573     -0.01011427
113     124.99069487     -0.00930513
114     124.99143928     -0.00856072
115     124.99212414     -0.00787586
116     124.99275421     -0.00724579
117     124.99333387     -0.00666613
118     124.99386716     -0.00613284
119     124.99435779     -0.00564221
120     124.99480917     -0.00519083
121     124.99522443     -0.00477557
122     124.99560648     -0.00439352
123     124.99595796     -0.00404204
124     124.99628132     -0.00371868
125     124.99657882     -0.00342118
126     124.99685251     -0.00314749
127     124.99710431     -0.00289569
128     124.99733597     -0.00266403
129     124.99754909     -0.00245091
130     124.99774516     -0.00225484
131     124.99792555     -0.00207445
132     124.99809150     -0.00190850
133     124.99824418     -0.00175582
134     124.99838465     -0.00161535
135     124.99851388     -0.00148612
136     124.99863277     -0.00136723
137     124.99874215     -0.00125785
138     124.99884277     -0.00115723
139     124.99893535     -0.00106465
Numeric solution is  124.9989353524933

Answer by the geometric series formula, assuming \(\beta<1\)

\[ V = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \beta^t c = \frac{c}{1-\beta} \]
print(f'Analytic solution is {a.analytic}')
Analytic solution is 125.00000000000006

When is Bellman operator a contraction?

\[ T(V)(\text{state}) = \max_{\text{decisions}} \big[ U(\text{state},\text{decision}) + \beta \mathbb{E}\big\{ V(\text{next state}) \big| \text{state},\text{decision} \big\} \big] \]
  • Bellman operator \(T: U \rightarrow U\) from functional space \(U\) to itself

  • metric space \((U,d_{\infty})\) with uniform/infinity/sup norm (max abs distance between functions over their domain)

Blackwell sufficient conditions for contraction

Let \(X \subseteq \mathbb{R}^n\) and \(B(x)\) be the space of bounded functions \(f: X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) defined on \(X\). Suppose that \(T: B(X) \rightarrow B(X)\) is an operator satisfying the following conditions:

  1. (monotonicity) For any \(f,g \in B(X)\) and \(f(x) \le g(x)\) for all \(x\in X\) implies \(T(f)(x) \le T(g)(x)\) for all \(x\in X\),

  2. (discounting) There exists \(\beta \in (0,1)\) such that

\[ T(f+a)(x) \le T(f)(x) + \beta a, \text{ for all } f\in B(X), a \ge 0, x\in X, \]

Then \(T\) is a contraction mapping with modulus \(\beta\).

  • Monotonicity of Bellman equation follows trivially due to maximization in \(T(V)(x)\)

  • Discounting: satisfied by elementary argument when \(\beta<1\)

Bellman operator is contraction mapping by Blackwell condition as long as the value function is bounded and the discount factor is less than one

  • In practical application with the upper bound on the state space, the value function is generally bounded

  • In many applications the norm \(\rho\) in the metric space can be adjusted to make the value function bounded


  • unique solution

  • VFI algorithm is globally convergent

  • does not depend on the numerical implementation of the Bellman operator

Other classes of dynamic optimization problems#

Classification of dynamic problems by various criteria:

  1. Nature of time

  • discrete time: here

  • continuous time: studied in the calculus of variation, optimal control theory and other branches of math

  1. Uncertainty in the beliefs of the decision makers

  • deterministic problems: all transition rules are given by laws of motion, i.e. mappings from states and choices to next period states

  • stochastic problems: some transitions rules are given by conditional densities or transition probabilities from current to next period states

  1. Nature of choice space

  • discrete: well suited for numerical full enumeration methods (grid search)

  • continuous: optimization theory of this course applied in full

  • mixed discrete-continuous: math is more complicated and interesting

  1. Nature of state space

  • discrete: well suited for numerical methods

  • continuous: most often convert to discrete by discretization (grids)

  • mixed discrete-continuous

  1. Multiple decision making processes

  • single agent models: here

  • equilibrium models: each decision makers takes environment variables as given, yet the equilibrium environment is formed by the aggregate behavior

  • multiple agents models: strategic interaction between decision makers, very hard because the joint Bellman operator is no more a contraction

Corresponding to many types of dynamic optimization problems there are many-many variations of the solution approaches

For finite horizon dynamic problems:

  1. Standard backwards induction: solving Bellman equation sequentially

  2. Backwards induction using F.O.C. of Bellman maximization problem (for problems with continuous choice)

  3. Finite horizon version of endogenous gridpoint method (for a particular class of problems)

For infinite horizon dynamic problems:

  1. Value function iterations (successive approximations to solve for the fixed point of Bellman operator)

  2. Time iterations (successive approximations to solve for the fixed point of Coleman-Reffett operator in policy function space)

  3. Policy iteration method (Howard’s policy improvement algorithm, iterative solution for the fixed point of Bellman operator)

  4. Newton-Kantorovich method (Newton solver for the fixed point of Bellman operator)

  5. Endogenous gridpoint method (for a particular class of problems)

References and reading#

Further reading and self-learning