πŸ›Ÿ Revision#

⏱ | words

Final exam#

  • Monday June 3, 2pm

  • 3h exam + 15min reading time

  • Melville Hall, building 12

  • centrally invigilated examination



  • All scheduled tutorials this week are in part Q&A over the whole course + practice questions

  • See announcements on Wattle in the course discussion forum for additinal consultation hours

  • My office hours on Monday morning, May 27 (but not June 3)


Most importantly, make sure to fully understand and remember:

  • definitions

  • facts

  • all named facts and definitions are absolutely essential


Each good proof starts with definitions

Previous exam questions#

(with some solutions)

Please, use the following materials to practice for the exam:

  1. Midterm exam (2015) by Prof. John Stachurski (except questions on probability: 9 to 15)
    pdf file

  2. Tutorial questions and solutions (2022) by Associate Prof. Yijuan Chen
    questions solutions

  3. Assignment three questions and solutions (2023) by Dr. Reza Hajargasht
    questions solutions

Most involved problem from the previous exam#

Find the maximizers of the function \(f \colon \mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}\) given by

\[ f(x,y) = x^2 + y^2 \]

on the set

\[ D = \{(x,y) \colon (y+1)^3 \ge x^2 \text{ and } x^2+y \le 1\} \]

Use first and second order conditions to support your answer

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